

How does Strattera treat ADHD?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It increases the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.

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Q: How does Strattera treat ADHD?
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Is Strattera an opioid?

Strattera's a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, used to treat ADD or ADHD... opioids are used mainly for pain relief.

Is it possible that Strattera taken to treat ADHD can worsen manic depression symptoms?

yes, it can trigger bipolar symptoms, as can anti-depressants and other ADHD meds. - especially if u are not on a mood stabilizer

Will Strattera make me hyper if i do not have ADHD?

No Strattera often makes people tired. I have tryed this medication before(in the 40mg doseing) and i was very tired i also do not have adhd.

Can Strattera be taken for dyslexia?

No medication is effective for dyslexia. Strattera can should only be used for ADD or ADHD.

What foods should you eat having ADHD and being on Strattera?

what foods should you eat having adhd

What medicines can you not take with Strattera?

with strattera you should not take any adhd meds or abuse any medications because then it definitely will not work

What treatments are available for ADHD?

I know that there are others, but I take Strattera, and it works wonders for me.

Does Adderall come up as a positive for amphetamines in a drug screen?

No; Strattera is in no way chemically similar to amphetamines.

Is Strattera effective for adolescents who play sports?

IF Strattera is prescribed properly for ADHD symptoms, then yes, it may help improve focus and attention thereby improving performance in sports. Using it without the ADHD diagnosis will not improve performance.

Can a man addicted to meth be tested and prescribed Straterra with positive results?

if the meth addict has add and is self medicating with meth than maybee strattera might help the add but not the meth withdrawl, addreall, vyvance, or dexadrine will help with withdrawl, and the add strattera is one of the only add meds that is not a stimulant. so your add may be fixed, but you may not be awake long enough to find out otherwise quite the meth and the add will go away If someone is addicted to meth, any ADHD symptoms may be attributable to the meth. Also, I'm not sure of the exact interactions between meth and strattera, but I know that meth will increase the rate of metabolism for the strattera, so it will be less effective. I believe that in order to have positive results, the addiction to meth should be addressed first before trying to treat the ADHD with strattera. If someone is addicted to meth, any ADHD symptoms may be attributable to the meth. Also, I'm not sure of the exact interactions between meth and strattera, but I know that meth will increase the rate of metabolism for the strattera, so it will be less effective. I believe that in order to have positive results, the addiction to meth should be addressed first before trying to treat the ADHD with strattera.

Does Strattera help with depression and anxiety in childrn?

If Strattera works for your child, it may improve attentiveness and decrease hyperactivity/impulsivity Strattera can improve ADHD symptoms in children in the classroom setting as reported by teachers in a clinical study

Is Strattera a control medication?

Answer: No, Strattera is the first FDA- approved non stimulant medication used to treat ADHD. HOWEVER, IT HAS A BLACK BOX WARNING FOR POTENTIAL SUICIDAL THOUGHTS IN CHILDREN. It is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and works on the central nervous system very differently than that of a stimulant drug. I hope this helps****