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Q: How does Timothy ensure he and Philip have fresh water?
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Does the water cycle ensure that you have a water cycle of fresh water?

Yes, water cycle ensure that we can have fresh water. It helps in recycling the water.

The Cay book in chapter 7 how does timothy plan to get more fresh water?

He plans to get more fresh water from rain water.

What motivation does Timothy have for hoarding the water in The Cay?

Timothy was planning ahead in case they were not rescued soon. He knew rationing the fresh water could save their lives.

Why do supermarkets ensure that certain vegetables are sprayed with water throughout the coarse of a day?

The water keeps them fresh and prevents them from drying out.

What are all the things you have to have for a guinea pig?

water bottle, fresh water, timothy hay, bedding, pellets, fresh fruits and veggies, place to hide, fairly big cage, maybe toys, stuff to chew on and i think that's it

Why sprinkle fresh fruit and vegetables with water?

In order to keep fresh fruits and vegetables fresh little water is usually sprinkled on it. Produce will go bad if it watered too much. Sprinkles are installed to ensure appropriate amount of water is available to different produce items.

How does the water cycle ensure that water gets used again and again?

Earths limited supply of fresh water to be used over and over again.

Are the great lakes salt or fresh water?

the Great Lakes are fresh water.( the largest fresh water lakes in the world.)

Why are rivers unreliable sources of fresh water?

Water pollutants ******************************** A river's flow and volume depends on the amount of rainfall - low in Summer (possible drought), and high in Winter (possible floods). Therefore, to ensure an adequate year-round supply of fresh water, dams and reservoirs are used for water storage.

Are river water fresh water or salt water?

fresh water

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Fresh water.

Is a spring fresh water?

spring water is fresh water