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In order to keep fresh fruits and vegetables fresh little water is usually sprinkled on it. Produce will go bad if it watered too much. Sprinkles are installed to ensure appropriate amount of water is available to different produce items.

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Q: Why sprinkle fresh fruit and vegetables with water?
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To retain color , freshness or crispness, and cleanliness.

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Vegetables contains more water than fruit

How do you take water out of vegetables?

Sprinkle salt over it and let it sit for a while.

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A detox diet consists of Steamed Vegetables,Fresh Fruit,Water,Alkaline Drinks. You can Steam,Roast or Bake the vegetables. I suggest that you buy organic fruits and veggies.

Why are fresh vegetables sprinkeled with water at markets?

to keep them fresh. plants need water to live.

Why fruit seller don't sprinkle water on fruits but a vegetable seller do the same?

because fruit contai some genetic material and which did not want water

Why do fresh fruits and vegetables get sprinkled with water in produce markets?

to keep them fresh

What can I do to pass a drug test if you only have I have month?

Stay off drugs, completely! Drink plenty of water, eat fresh fruit and vegetables to flush your system naturally.

Why is your stool so strong and difficult to pass out?

First, are you getting enough water? Secondly, are you getting enough fibre - fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

Fresh fruit can be contaminated by the water used to wash it?

Yes, fresh fruit can be contaminated with a variety of things.