

How does Trojan virus effect the computer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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It can erase your hard drive!They can delete your files.

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Q: How does Trojan virus effect the computer?
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How does one remove a Trojan virus from one's computer?

There are many ways one can remove a trojan virus from one's computer. One can remove a trojan virus from their computer by downloading a virus removal software such as Sophos.

How bad is a Trojan virus?

A trojan virus is worse than a normal virus and is more likely to crash your computer

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What is a Trojan horse virus for your computer?

A virus that hides in a file that, when you run it, infects your computer.

How does a Trojan Horse virus get into a computer?

theres a computer chip

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A trojan horse (a computer virus).

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it is a virus ,if download that it is harmful for your computer

What can you do to protect your computer from computer Trojan?

Install anti-virus software.

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virus, trojan

What Trojan does?

a trojan is a horse or computer virus that looks like a good thing but is not. a trojan is just and old horse.

What is a Trojan clicker?

A Trojan clicker is a Trojan computer program virus. Once on your computer, it remains in your system's memory and makes attempts to connect to specific websites.

How do you get a Trojan virus on your computer?

You could get a Trojan by visiting an unsafe website, and downloading an infected file.