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They need to show the girl they care. Some ways to show that you care could be talking to her more, texting her (if they have cell phones) more, talking about things the girl likes. Be yourself. You shouldn't need to act like a different person to impress a girl. If she doesn't like you for who you are, maybe you should just be friends ;)

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11y ago

i want this not t be mean but 10!!

whatever. if ur a girl try t be ur self if that dose not work u would not be in a good realationship if u liked t act like a boy but u forced ur self t act like a girl who puts on make up and stuff fr him! be urself if he dose NOT like it than it WAS NOT meant t work out between u two good luck

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Q: How does a 10 year old boy impress a 10 year old girl?
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Well try to be your self try finding out what she Likes if you know try entertain her make her laugh

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Be outgoing! Don't try to show off! I hate that, and I am a girl! Just be yourself, make her laugh, and smile!

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