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Most 12 year old girls would

1) text her friends

2) draw

3) give yourself a manicure

4) practice doing your make up

5) read

6) take pictures of random things

7) go outside

8) go on computer / laptop

9) go swimming

10) watch tv

11) ask your friends to come round

12) watch YouTube videos

13) make up dances to songs

14) bake

15) tidy your room

......I'm a 12 year old. I also like to watch tv, then go to this website and ask random qs about the show

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1mo ago

A 12-year-old girl can keep from being bored by trying out new hobbies, activities or sports, reading books, spending time with friends, or volunteering in the community. Engaging in creative pursuits like drawing, writing, or crafting can also help keep her entertained.

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Is 97 a good IQ score for a 8 year old girl?

An IQ score of 97 for an 8-year-old falls within the average range. This means the 8-year-old girl is performing at a level similar to her peers in terms of intellectual ability. Keep in mind that IQ scores are just one measure of cognitive functioning and should be interpreted in conjunction with other factors.

How does an 11 year old know a girl likes him?

An 11-year-old can tell if a girl likes him if she shows interest in spending time with him, asks him questions, laughs at his jokes, or tries to get his attention. Non-verbal cues like smiling, blushing, or making eye contact can also indicate that she likes him. It's important for the 11-year-old to communicate openly and respectfully to understand the girl's feelings better.

Would a 30 year old man with and trying to convince a 17 year old girl to marry him be sexual abuse Would this sort of relationship hold back development in the girl How so?

Yes, a 30 year old man trying to convince a 17 year old girl to marry him could be considered a form of sexual abuse due to the power dynamics and age difference involved. This type of relationship could hold back the girl's development by limiting her opportunities for personal growth, independence, and education. It may also lead to emotional manipulation and coercion that can have long-lasting negative effects on her mental well-being.

Is an IQ of 152 for a 16 year old girl good?

Yes, an IQ of 152 is considered very high for a 16 year old girl. This score would place her well above average intelligence level.

Is 117 a good IQ for a 15 year old girl?

An IQ of 117 for a 15-year-old girl is considered above average. It falls within the range of high average intelligence. IQ scores can vary and do not solely determine a person's abilities or potential for success.

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one word- MASTURBATE

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ask them what they want to do or ask do they want to go to friends house if that doesnt work just put them into there room

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They can make a toy or make something better.

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Talk to friends, Eat, Read a book, Eat and Sleep.

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uhhh..what does she eat?dont let her eat sweets whenever shes bored kids/people tend to eat when bored

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