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Spinosaurus survived by eating large 20 foot fish,baby Paralititan and Ouranosaurus,in terms of killing and defending itself,it used its large claws and 6 to 8 foot long jaws even though it had a weak bite compared to its contemporary Carcharodontosaurus,but it was larger than Charcharodontosaurus and it could use its sail formed by the elongated vertebrae on its back to intimidate other predators

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Q: How does a Spinosaurus survive?
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Can spinosaurus chase prey?

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What was the biggest carnivorous dinosaur?

it can be spinosaurus giganotosauru or carcharodonthosaurus

Do spinosaurus canibalized their own kind?

There is no evidence of cannibalism in Spinosaurus. However, many reptiles are cannibalistic on occasion, and there is a chance that Spinosaurus was, too. If it were, however, the only cases of cannibalism would be when large Spinosaurus killed and ate the young offspring of other Spinosaurus.

Is a spinosaurus a herbivore?

Spinosaurus was carnivorous, and had a diet based mostly on fish, using its long, crocodile-like jaws to scoop fish out of the waters easily. However, such a large dinosaur could not survive simply on fish, (although there were some that grew up to six feet long at that time) and most likely fed on other dinosaurs. In addition, this dinosaur's spine may have been fragile, and it would have been careful when hunting other carnivores; if it ever did so.In summation, Spinosaurus was not a herbivore.

Is a spinosaurus bigger than a baryonyx?

A spinosaurus is much larger than the baryonyx

How do you spell spinosaurus?

That is the correct spelling of the genus name Spinosaurus (a large carnivorous dinosaur).

Is there a spinosaurus in combat of the giant dinosaur strike?

There is no spinosaurus but there are other spinosaurids,which are baryonyx and suchomimus

Who was the dinosaur king in Jurassic?

The dinosaur king of the jurassic was the mighty Spinosaurus

How much did food did spinosaurus eat?

Spinosaurus eat Fish, Pterosaurs and Other Dinosaur