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it adapts becauseCoyotes will eat almost anything. They hunt rabbits, rodents, fish, frogs, and even deer. They also happily dine on insects, snakes, fruit, grass, and carrion. Because they sometimes kill lambs, calves, or other livestock, as well as pets, many ranchers and farmers regard them as destructive pests.

In the fall and winter, they form packs for more effective hunting.

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You might think that the venom of a black widow would be the characteristic that distinguishes it from other Spiders. But the fact is that the various venoms of spiders were developed before humans ever came on the scene, and the venoms' primary purpose is to kill insect prey. The fact that widow venom is deadly to humans and that the venom of the "Rabid" wolf spider is hardly even noticeable is an accident. It only matters to the spider that it can kill prey. Black widow venom can kill a horse, but that is because the horse's system is strongly affected by that specific kind of venom. Black widow venom doesn't bother rabbits, even though the rabbit may be 1/1000th the weight of a horse.

So, why is a black widow spider a good Survivor? It builds good webs. It builds those webs in places that let insects fly in, but that are hard to enter for things like wasps and birds that would try to kill and eat them.

Black widows are pretty good mothers. They do not have to feed or groom their babies, but they do have to protect the eggs until they hatch, and then the babies may be in the sheltered place where the mother black widow has made her web and has hung up her egg sacs.

Widow spiders can find a safe place to hibernate during the winter months.

Widow spiders seem not to need much if any water beyond what they get directly from their prey.

It may be that eating the male spider after they have mated can make it easier for the female spider to survive and to provide for her eggs and, indirectly, for her baby. (For the first several days after they hatch the baby spiders depend on the yolk sac that the mother spider provided for them when they were laid. Having an ample yolk sac can give baby spiders a good start and may keep it from dying if there is no natural food available when they first start to hunt.

I could keep going, keep trying to list the things that a widow spider does well, but what is perhaps more significant is that what the widow spider does well is also done well by a very large Family of spiders that share the same body type, the same web-making skills, etc. There is even a genus of spiders, the Steatoda, that resemble the widow spiders in almost all ways except for the toxicity of their venom to humans. The Theriidae is a very large group of spiders, and it would be hard to say that one genus among them is a notably better survivor than some other genus. What we would find, instead, is that the various genera each have their ecological niche.

If we go beyond the Family that the black widows belong to, we will again find that other Families have great similarities to the Theriidae, but that they have found some other ways of suiting themselves to different environments. For instance, although black widows would be very content to make their lives under overturned boxes in somebody's back yard, a jumping spider would conduct his or her life on places like the outsides of those boxes, out in the brightest sunlight and completely exposed to humans, birds, hunting wasps, etc. It's a different environment, but the jumping spiders have ways that let them cope with this other kind of life.

One could almost answer your question by saying, "All the things that suit this spider to living in the nearly dark space inside a box overturned in somebody's back yard. It doesn't need good eyes. It's dark in there. But it does need a good sensitivity to prey vibrations on its web. It doesn't need water because there typically is not much if any drops of water to be found in these sheltered spaces. It needs venom to put down its prey, but maybe also to handle little animals such as lizards, mice, etc. that could wander in and eat it, eat its eggs, or just unintentionally destroy everything. There may be things that are left to discover about this kind of spider. For instance, how sensitive is it to what we call smells or aromas? Maybe this spider can tell without needing to get near whether the thing that is shaking its web is a lizard or a mouse. Maybe they can predict earthquakes and always find a tight corner and web themselves down before the quake starts. Who knows? But it could be a worthwhile subject of study.

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it gets horny and sperms all over itself which cools itself down

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Yes, black widows are found in deserts, especially within cities located in the desert.

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Q: How does a black widow spider adapt to its environment?
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A black widow. This spider is only a black widow if the entire spider is black, with a round-ball looking back-body, female variety if there is a red hourglass shape marking on the underside of the spider. From the top black widows are completely black.

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No a jumping spider can kill a black widow. A jumping spider killed our huge black widow that killed another spider.

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