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BAC (Blood alcohol Concentration) can be analysed by breath analysis from the alcohol breathing from the aveoli in the lungs because alcohol is absorbed in the blood stream and does not break down easily as it is volatile. 2100 ml of alveoli air contains 1 ml of alcohol. This ratio of 2100:1 determines the amount of alcohol through a breath analyser that was invented by Dr Robert Borkenstein for the Indiana State Police in 1954.

1. The breath analyser has vials through which alcohol breath passes through mixture of sulfuric acid,postassium dichromate(reddish -orange color),silver nitrate (catalyst) and water to react to chromiun sulphate (green) + potassium sulphate + acetic acid + water.The change in color due to reaction is analysed through a photocell that gives current output and shown in milliamp meter needle deflection.

2. The second type uses infrared (IR) spectrograph for the current to be fed in a microprocessor to determine the alcohol content in the breath.

3. Alcosensor uses fuel cell technology in which porus acid electrolyte is sandwiched between two platinum electrodes that react with alcohol breath to produce platinum oxide,protons & electrons that is analysed through a microprocessor

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Q: How does a breathalyzer measure blood alcohol level?
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How does an in car breathalyzer work?

An in car breathalyzer is a device that is attached to the starter of your car that detects the driver's blood alcohol level. If you have a significant blood alcohol level it wont allow you to start the car until you do.

What is a breathalyzer?

A breathalyzer is a small device that is used to determine a person's blood-alcohol content. The higher the blood-alcohol content, the more alcohol the person has in their blood. In Kansas, a level of .08 or greater will result in a DUI.

What can be tested with a breathalyzer?

The Breathalyzer is a device which can be used to test the alcohol content level in blood. If you want to know more information on this. You can check here

Can I buy a breathalyzer for my use?

A breathalyzer measures the blood alcohol level from a single breath. These devices are commonly sold in many drugstores and can be purchase by anyone.

Will a nicotine patch elevate the blood alcohol level reading on a breathalyzer test?

No, but it could elevate your chances of death

Can keppra affect your Blood Alcohol level?

No. Blood alcohol level is a measure of how much alcohol is in solution in the blood. It is possible to affect the rate of absorption, but not the level that is reached.

What are the functions of a breathalyzer?

A breathalyzer detects the amount of liquor in the test taker's system. It is used by police to see if a suspect had more than the legal amount in their system while operating a motor vehicle. It's used in conjunction with other field sobriety tests. The body does not digest alcohol; it absorbs it into the bloodstream. The alcohol does not mix into the blood, but rather says intact. As the blood passes through the lungs, the alcohol is released through breathing. A breathalyzer measures the amount of alcohol. The alcohol present in 2,100 ml of expelled breath is exactly equivalent to the amount of alcohol in 1 ml of blood. This measurement makes it possible measure the driver's level of intoxication, based on the figures set for legal limits.

Can being tazered effect a breathalyzer test?

No, not a chance. A breathalyzer measures only the level of alcohol contained in ones exhaled breath.

How is blood alcohol determined?

Level of intoxication and, for legal purposes, whether or not an individual is capable of driving or performing other tasks safely.

What is BAL stand for in reference to alcoholism?

Blood Alcohol Content/ Blood Alcohol Level.

How can ethanol show up on a alcohol urine test if there was no alcohol or medication or drugs taken?

The subject tested has diabetes. The metabolism of starch creates ethanol in the blood and also causes a detectable level of acetone on the breath. (detected by breathalyzer)

Is blowing a 0.04 on a breathalyzer considered high levels?

A blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.04 is below the legal limit for driving in most jurisdictions, which is typically 0.08. However, even at 0.04, alcohol can still impair coordination and judgment, increasing the risk of accidents. It's always safest to avoid driving if you have been drinking.