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Q: How does a candle turn into a liquid and then back to a solid?
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Physical properties of a candle?

Flammable and non flammable, gas production, gives off heat energy, requires heat energy.

How does liquid fat become solid?

The temperature at which they turn back into solid, depends on what type of fat your talking about

What is a liquid that can turn into a solid called?

The liquid that can turn into a solid is called a "freezing" or "solidification" process

How can you create a solid and turn it back into a liquid?

Take water and place it in the freezer for a couple of hours. You have taken a liquid and turned it into a solid. Let the Ice set out on the table for a while and let it melt completely. You have now taken the solid and reverted it back to its liquid state.

What is the method to solidify a gas?

To turn a liquid into a solid you have to freeze it. To turn a gas into a solid you must first turn it into a liquid, then freeze it.

What solid turns into liquid?

Any liquid can turn into a solid at the correct temperature.

What do you call a soild that turns into a liquid and then into a soild again?

WATER! If you put water in a cup and leave it in the freezer it will turn to an ice cube then if you leave it somewhere warm and cosy it will turn back to a liquid again. Try it for yourself even.

What things turn from solid ti liquid?

ice , wax , butter ps water (a liquid) can turn into ice(a solid)

When water evaporates will it turn back into water?

Water is water, whether solid (ice), liquid or gas.

What is it when you turn liquid into solid?