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=They lick themselves like house cats. They have bad breath, so they stink.=

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10y ago

First you get the Cheetah out of the cage and into a different area!

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Q: How does a cheetah clean itself?
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Related questions

How often does a cheetah wash itself?

Cats wash themselves very often. A Cheetah would definitely was after a kill or after eating.

What does a cheetah use to defend itself?

The cheetah is built for speed, not defense, and so hides and runs rather than fights unless it must defend its cubs.

How do cheetah protect itself from man?

Their golden fur blends in with the long savannah grass

Why is new baby cheetah in danger?

a new cheetah is endangered because the baby cheetah does not know how to take care of itself so the baby cheetah is an easy prey for most predator

How does a wolf keep itself clean?

it cleans itself by licking it

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licking itself clean!

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How does an alligator clean itself?

The alligator does not necessarily clean itself. It sheds its skin, and everything usually washes off in the water or in the mud.

What special things can a cheetah do?

it uses its body pattern to camouflage itself and sneak up on its prey

Do you have to clean it or it cleans itself?

Just wondering..... what is "it"?

How does a cheetah protect itself from other animals?

Cheetahs use their speed for defense as they can outrun any potential predator.

What two animals make the cheetah?

The cheetah is not the product of two other cats but is a breed unto itself (Acinonyx jubatus) - therefore, a male and female cheetah make more cheetahs.It exists only in Africa and is considered an endangered species. The Asian (India) species is already extinct.