

How does a clam get food?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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It filter feeds on plankton.

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Q: How does a clam get food?
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The clam has two siphons. The excurrent siphon (which expels water and waste out of the clam) and the incurrent siphon (which brings oxygen and food and water into the clam).

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Mutualism: mutually beneficial association between different kinds of organisms n Example: A clam and algae o The alga lives inside the shell of the clam and provides the clam with the oxygen and food the clam needs to survive. In return the clam supplies the alga with protection, carbon dioxide and nutrients.

What is a well reviewed clam chowder recipe?

A well reviewed clam chowder recipe would be the New England Clam Chowder. You may find reviews on it as well as information at the Food Network website.

What food does a clam eat?

Most clams filter the water for plankton.

What is the function of the stomach and digestive gland in the clam?

They digest and store food

Where is a soft shell clam placed on the food web?

no they eat pewople