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Q: How does a drogonfly communicat?
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ANSWER By writing letters to their families.

Can cats communicat?

Yes... but they dont use words, they use body language.

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they communicated by writting on slabs of mudd. (their type of writting was drawing)

How do cats communicat with each other?

By body language, cat's save meowing for humans.

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Factors that may prevent good communicat.

Does dragonfly ley their eggs in water?

Yes, adult female dragonflies lay their eggs in or near water but live on land.

How does the video carmera help people to communicat?

people can send videos with messages, such as webcams. youtube is an example of this, peeople are comunicating with videos and send each other information.

What is hardware and logical addressing?

Logical addressing: Set of programmed in softer, which lexicalizes (Understands) when we assign input and in helps to communicat particular assumbled hardwar & software to other similar systems.

What is a good name for an avatar from Dragons of Atlantis?

It depends what game or thing your talking about. If your talking about action: AttackPk234;Search & Destroy; ETC. Casual:Lifefortune88;joeyjoebob. Strategy: Mindsweeper; Competitive Man56.

Why do owls beak click?

Owls hoot for the same reason all animals vocalize: in order to communicat. In this instance, owls which make a hooting noise do so to communicate with other owls.