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Q: How does a first-clss lever help you lift a turkey?
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What simple machine help you lift heavy objects?

The lever.

What is the benefit of a lever?

A lever allows you to magnify the force applied to an object at the expense of distance. With a lever you can move objects many times larger than you could without one, but at a slower pace.


The function of a lever is used to move or lift objects.

What class lever is a hydraulic platform lift?

class 3 lever

What is a lifting aid?

A lift or lever.

Can a lever lift a rock?

Yes it can.

Is a spatula a lever?

A spatula is used as a lever when it is used to lift a substance from a surface.

Which class of lever can you push down on to lift something?

A first class lever does so.

What simple machine did egyptains most likely use?

A simple machine that was used my Egyptians would be a lever or any type of lever that would help them to lift heavy materials while building the pyramids.

What simple machine can lift a heavy load?

A lever

Is a claw hammer a lever?

Yep! I am not sure what class but it is! Levers help lift heavy objects. Levers work by the farther you are from the fulcrum or pivot as compared to the heavy objects, the lesser the force you will need to lift or pull the object.

What Greek was associated with the lever?

Archimedes said words like 'give me a lever long enough and I will lift the world'.