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IN time domain analysis time is the independent variable.

when a system is given an excitation input is a respose output.this response varies with the time is called time response.


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Q: How does a frequency domain plot differ from a time domain plot?
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What is frequency domain counterpart of convolution?

Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain.

What is the need of conversion from time to frequency domain?

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Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain.

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Ppt on advantages of frequency domain over time domain representation?

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Advantage of frequency domain processing over time domain processing?

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What are advantages you have of frequency domain analysis over time analysis?

Frequency Analysis is much easier. Some equations can't be solved in time domain while they can be solved easily in frequency domain. When moving to frequency domain you change the differential equation into algebric equation. Also, in frequency domain it is easy to apply filters and compute their specifications. In telecommunications, using multiple frequencies enables more than one user to use the service at the same time if having different frequency, this enables less delay for the signal. Also, it would be easier, when using frequency domain- to give each user, or each standard (GSM, Satellite ...) it's own frequency range without interfering. This can't be done in time domain

Why there is a need to convert time domain signals to frequency domain signals?

to find their ESD and PSD

What is the difference between transfer function and frequency transfer function?

frequency transfer function deals with transfer in frequency domain, transfer function alone can be referring to any type of transfer in different domain e.g time domain

For what purpose you use fourier transform in real life?

we use fourier transform to convert our signal form time domain to frequency domain. This tells us how much a certain frequency is involve in our signal. It also gives us many information that we cannot get from time domain. And we can easily compare signals in frequency domain.