

How does a frog drink through its skin?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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It's skin is simply permeable to water so the water is 'soaked' into the skin.

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Q: How does a frog drink through its skin?
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Water is absorbed through the frog's skin.

How does a frog drink?

Their skin absorbs water into their body so they do not have to drink water.

Do frogs or toads drink water through skin?

Yes they do, especially the skin at the underside of the thighs is very well adapted to soak up water. In fact you might say a frog drinks with it butt!

Why do frogs have thin skin?

the frog has thin skin so moisture can escape through its skin instead of the frog having to waste time doing its business

What is the slime on the outside of a frog?

The slime on the frog's skin is mucus. It is necessary for the frog's skin to be moise because the frog breathes and drinks through the skin. If it were to dry out, it would suffocate. The mucus secreted by the frog's skin helps keep it moist.

How does a frog transfer oxygen?

Well, a frog breathes either through its nostrils, mouth or its skin (in the water) if that is what you mean. Through the skin, it takes in oxygen alone.

What is pulmocutaneous artery of frog?

An artery which goes to the lungs, and the skin, making it possible for the frog to breathe through the skin, and not the lungs.

How does the bull frog respiratory system work?

the frog can breathe through their mouth and skin.

Which organs does a frog breath through?

the respiratory organs of frog are skin , lungs and gills.

Animal that using moist skin to breath?

A frog can breath through its skin.

What is unique about the tongue of the frog?

The function of frog skin is to regulate moisture and fluid transfer. This is why frogs live near lakes, ponds, and streams. This is also why it is not good to hold a frog for too long. Your dry hands will cause the frog's skin to become dry.Also, most frogs and toads breathe (and take in moisture) through their skin through a process called cutaneous gas exchange, but they also have lungs with which they breathe. This helps in it's early stages of life while living in water.The function of frog skin is to regulate moisture and fluid transfer. This is why frogs live near lakes, ponds, and streams. This is also why it is not good to hold a frog for too long. Your dry hands will cause the frog's skin to become dry.Also, most frogs and toads breathe (and take in moisture) through their skin through a process called cutaneous gas exchange, but they also have lungs with which they breathe. This helps in it's early stages of life while living in water.A frogs skin protects the inside of the frog (like the skin of humans) and it allows for frogs to breathe under water better.its helps the frog when they are in the water to breathe easily through their skin.To regulate moisture and fluid transfer.Well basically a frog drinks through it's skin because the skin is absorbent.

What are the parts of the frog's respiratory system?

their skin. they also have lungs but they can respire through their skin.