

How does a gecko hunt?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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10y ago

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Most gecko species are insectivores and strictly rely on insects as a stable diet. Most gecko species will hunt in one of two ways. Ambush or stalking. Geckos have a very keen sense of smell and are able to pick up air particles with the scent of prey to locate a quick meal. They also have great eye sight. A gecko will usually require something to move and once the gecko has the prey item in their view, they will use their quick agile speed to move in on a insect. Other gecko species would prefer to stand completely still until an insect crosses its path and ambush it.

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When do gecko's hunt?

The time for a gecko to hunt is usually during the night , the reason for this is because they tend to be more nocturnal , there for they sleep mostly during the day and hunt during the night ( : Amy

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How do wild geckos hunt for food?

All species of gecko hunt by grabbing their prey with their mouths and ingesting the insect/ prey item whole.

Do wild geckos feed their babies?

no when the egg hatches the gecko is on its own it learns to hunt and fend for its self.

How does the Barking Gecko get its food?

Barking Geckos hunt for food, in the wild they will go out at night and hunt for small insects and bugs and in captivity they also hunt for food that you put in the tank you would usually feed them crickets and mealworms.

Your gecko just eat your other gecko did he eat him alilve or was he already dead?

It is not uncommon for a gecko to eat another gecko of smaller size. Its natural for them to hunt something smaller then them. Adults should never be housed with juvi's or babies. Also, animals that come from different parts of the globe should never be housed together as the two separate species will require different needs.

Are gecko's nocturnal?

Yes, geckos are nocturnal but you can still see them awake in the daytime. Example is a leopard gecko, rarely you would see them up in the day. Although most gecko species are nocturnal, doing their daily activities at night, some species of gecko are diurnal. This means that they are active during the day. These species of geckos are called Phelsuma (day geckos).

What is the scientific name for Tokay Gecko?

The scientific name for Tokay Gecko is Gekko gecko.

How do geckos hunt for food in there habitats?

some species of gecko rely on their camouflage to ambush unexpected prey, where as others have speed and agility to catch prey with their mouths.

What types of leopard gecko is there?

They have the same name, but their color might be different. The spots and striped might be at their tail, the whole body, or the head. Their skin colors can be yellow, pinkish-orange, and that's all i know. :D