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Q: How does a high bac impact the body negatively?
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What is true about blood alcohol concentration A BAC is affected by factors such as body size and gender B drinking coffee and exercising lowers your BAC C higher BAC means a more severe the hangover?

blood alcohol concentration is afected by factors such as body size and gender. by Edcouch-Elsa High School Student

Can Wellbutrin increase bac?

I believe that Wellbutrin can elevate naturally occurring lithium in your body which can elevate BAC

Is 0.217 high alcohol level?

That is a dangerously high BAC level.

Does mood affect a persons BAC?

Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is affected by the amount you have had to drink, food you have eaten that will slow uptake of alcohol, and the time since you consumed alcohol. Your body mass will also affect your BAC, since a larger person has more body. Your mood does nothing for your BAC.

Does it take 2 hours for alcohol to leave your body?

That depends entirely on the BAC level, which drops at about .015 of BAC per hour.

How much BAC can your body eliminate per hour?


Which is the most likely immediate impact of a state referendum to change the legal intoxication level of a driver from 08 percent BAC to 05 percent BAC?

an increase in drunk driving violations

How does a BAC go down?

BAC goes down through the natural process of metabolism, which occurs at the rate of about .015 BAC per hour.

What does the French word bac mean in English?

'bac' is the abbreviation of Baccalaureat, the exam taken by French students doing their final grade in high school.

What is the BAC that gives the alcohol limits?

Body weight sex, amount of alcohol

Bac stands for?

Bac stands for baccalaureate which is a degree after you complete high school. There's different baccalaureate like the french baccalaureate (BAC Francais) and the international baccalaureate (IB)

How long does it take for alcohol to be eliminated from body?

Alcohol leaves the body at the rate of about .015 of BAC per hour.