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The answer lies in what is causing her to not want sex... is she too tired because she is taking care of the newborn at night? is she still sore/recovering from the delivery? Try lots of cuddling...

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Q: How does a husband get his wife who had a baby three months ago sexually active again?
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How soon after birth can you start taking the pill again?

As soon as you become sexually active again. Or you can wait a few months and get your partner to wear a condom.

Why do some girls get their first period then not again for months?

Because some girls may have an irregular period.. or if your sexually active it could mean yoor pregnant..

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yeah... you can stop the patch if your not going to have sex, and then just go back on it again when you are sexually active again. when your starting to have sex again just go back on the patch, wait the suggested time it takes for the patch to kick in, you can still have sex during the time when the patch is ineffective but wear a condom and you should be fine.

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If you have just started puberty 4 months ago it takes 6 months to a year before your hormones settle into a regular cycle. The same thing happens again when you hit menopause when you are older. If you are sexually active you NEED to use protection because it is hard to track when you ovulate at this stage. Since you are young I hope you are not sexually active yet.

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Check to make sure you got your tampon out. Believe it or not, this happens to alot of women.

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It is most likely normal. A lot of girls have one period then skip a few months before having another one. It takes a while for a girls menstrual cycle to become regular.

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Yes.. get away from the jerk.. he will only hit you again..

What is renewed abstinence?

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Is it possible to forgive your husband when he sexually assaulted your fourteen year old niece?

It is possible to forgive anything but that doesn't mean forgetting. I would not want a rapist / child abuser as a husband. They will only attack again. A wife of a child abuser isn't a real wife.

What are the causes in delay of mentrual period for a month now?

if you are inconsistent, especially if your an adolescent, or it could be because your body is stressed and this causes prolonged delays in the menstrual cycle. If you missed a period and have been sexually active you could also be pregnant. If you havent been active sexually it could also just be the stress again. i would not worry delays happen all the time our bodies are not perfect.

Got off birth control at the end of April and have not had a period in a month in a half?

Depending on the type of birth control and how long you were taking it before stopping it can take up to 18 months for your cycles to return to normal. I personally was on depoprovera for 2 years after my first child and after stopping did not menstruate for 13 months afterwords. Later I went back on depo for about a year and it took six months for my periods to begin again after stopping that time. If you are sexually active you should probably take a pregnancy test every two months until your periods begin again as you will ovulate about 2 weeks before your first period and could conceive at that time without realizing it.

Miss a menstrual period due to Effexor?

I'm nineteen and have been taking Seroquel and Effexor for eleven months. A few months after starting medication, I was regularly missing periods. I took a blood test and the results were an abnormally high amount of prolactin. Six months after my first prescription, I started lactating, and still do to this day. My general practitioner gave me a breast exam, and found no explanation. My period has been regular for a while, and I am recently sexually active again. I am almost a week late, but the pregnancy test proved negative.