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leafs have holes in them and they take in the bi-product of humans (CO2) and give us oxygen (o2) they use the Co2 to create glucose molecules (sugar) which makes them producers. Producers are eaten by primary consumers and them by secondary consumers and them by tertiary consumers. even though the tertiary consumers only eat meat (like our old friends the dinosaurs) they still get the greens from plants that you need to survive because they eat the animals that eat the producers (plants). This is what makes the world go round!

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11y ago

Leaves contain Chloroplasts. Inside these Chloroplasts, there is a pigment called Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll contribute towards the production of food through the process of Photosynthesis. Therefore, Leaves are the organelle in which Photosynthesis happen.

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8y ago

That is because of chloroplasts. It is happening inside them.

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Q: How does a leaf of a plant carry out photosynthesis?
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What does transpiration do?

Transpiration is the process where plants carry water from the roots to the rest of the plant,including the leaf, to be used in photosynthesis.

Is the main function of a vein of a leaf is to transfer chloroplasts throughout the plant for maximum efficiency of photosynthesis?

Not exactly. The vein of a leaf acts just like the veins and arteries in the human body. They carry water throughout the leaf and plant.

How does the placement of veins help to carry out their function of transporting materials to and from the leaf?

The placement of the veins in a leaf can limit the effects of photosynthesis and transport water through the leaf and plant body. The location of the veins and the shape of the leaf are two of the factors used to determine the species of the plant.

What parts of a plant do not carry on photosynthesis?

Anything not containing chloroplasts does not carry out photosynthesis.

What structure in plant carries out photosynthesis?

The Leaf

How is a leaf specialised to carry out photosynthesis?

It has many chloroplasts.

What are the organs in which plants carry out photosynthesis?

the leaf

What is the function of the mesophyll layers in a leaf?

To carry out photosynthesis as the cells contain chloroplasts and the organelles perform photosynthesis. It has a waxy cuticle which is impermeable to water, so the water passes out of the leaves as water vapour.

The major structure of a plant involved in photosynthesis is the?

leaf, I think :)

Where does the plant store their energy during photosynthesis?

in the leaf

What do the leaves of a plant do?

the leaf takes in gases through stomata (little holes). Also the leaves carry out photosynthesis and absorb sunlight, i think through chlorophyll