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Most marsupials carry their developing young in a pouch, a patch of skin open at one end on the female's abdomen (for some, such as the wombat and koala, it opens backwards).

However, this is not true for most opossums or for some dasyurids. Some antechinus such as the swamp antechinus develop just a flap of skin for a pouch during breeding season. The kultarr and kowari also have just a fold of skin. The insectivorous numbat of western Australia is a marsupial which has no pouch at all.

The ones that lack a pouch simply have the developing young attach themselves to the nipple. If you are talking about the young after they have detached from the nipple, then these alternate between independence and returning to the pouch (or just to the nipple) until full independence is achieved.

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Q: How does a marsupial carry it young?
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A marsupial is an animal that has a pouch. A kangaroo has a pouch so it is considered a marsupial. A kangaroo uses the pouch to carry their young after they give birth.

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NO. a marsupial carries it young in a pouch.

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An animal like the opossum and kangaroo that carry their young in a pouch after birth, is called a marsupial. (marr-SOOP-ee-uhl)

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All marsupial young are known as joeys. Almost all marsupials carry their young in a pouch (the numbat, for example, does not have a pouch).

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What is a maruspial? Marsupialsare an infraclass of mammals, characterized by a distinctive pouch (called the marsupium), in which females carry their young through early infancy.

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A mammal which is not a marsupial or a monotreme is called a placental mammal. There is no opposite to a marsupial. An animal is either a marsupial or it is not. Marsupial is the term given to any mammal of the order Marsupialia whose young are born in an immature state and continue development in the "marsupium" (or pouch).

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