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The permeability of membranes is the ease of molecules to pass through it. Permability depends mainly on the electric charge of the molecule and to a lesser extent the molar mass of the molecule. Electrically-neutral and small molecules pass the membrane easier than charged, large ones.

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3w ago

Polar molecules have a harder time passing through cell membranes compared to nonpolar molecules. This is because cell membranes are primarily composed of a double layer of phospholipids, which have nonpolar fatty acid tails that repel polar molecules. As a result, polar molecules typically require specialized transport proteins or channels to facilitate their passage through the membrane.

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11y ago

Yes, the more polar a molecule is, the less permeable the molecule becomes. This is because of the phospholipid bilayer seperating the extra and intracellular environments. Non polar molecules (fats) and small molecules can pass quickly through the membrane.

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11y ago

Temperature can cause particles to move quickly which means there are more successful collisions between particles in a reaction. However it is different to when you increase the temperature in a cell. Phospholipids and proteins within a cell membrane are constantly moving. However if you increase the temperature. As the temperature increases in the cell the phospholipid molecules get hotter and start to vibrate more. They move significantly more than at their normal state leaving gaps in the membrane which wouldn't usually be there. Protein molecules also do this. They vibrate so much that they lose their shape and come apart leaving a large gap in the membrane. If you were to decrease the temperature however it will decrease the permeability of the membrane. The phospholipids vibrate less and stick together tightly causing rare openings between where molecules may pass. Low temperatures make it difficult for protein transporters to work as it is hard to provide ATP needed for active transport. Furthermore low temperatures mean molecules and ions have less successful collisions when hitting the membrane and passing through it.

For example, if you were to take a piece of beetroot and place it in water, it will remain colourless as there are no gaps between the phospholipids and protein. However if you were to increase the temperature of the beetroot then the water will go red because of the loss of red pigment in the cell. When the cell is heated up the phospholipids and proteins in the cell vibrate more so making temporary holes in the between them. As water is passed in by osmosis the red pigment is brought out into the water.

This increases the rate of diffusion by the speed of which molecules move across the membrane. Because the temperature has been increased there are more gaps so the molecules which are being diffused move quicker as there is an increase in kinetic energy. The molecules are moving faster so will get diffused faster because the membrane is more permeable.

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Q: How does a molecules polarity affect the way it passes through a membrane?
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What is the effect of molecular polarity on behavior?

Molecular polarity can affect a molecule's interactions with other molecules. In biological systems, polar molecules tend to interact with water and other polar molecules, while nonpolar molecules tend to interact with other nonpolar molecules. This can influence behaviors such as solubility, membrane permeability, and binding to specific receptors.

How is smell affected by polarity?

Smell is affected by polarity since odor molecules need to be soluble in the nasal mucus to be detected by olfactory receptors. Polar molecules tend to be more easily dissolved in mucus compared to nonpolar molecules. This allows polar odor compounds to interact more readily with olfactory receptors, influencing the perception of smell.

What would mix the best with water non polar molecules polar molecules fatty molecules symmetrical molecules?

Polar molecules, such as salts and sugars, would mix best with water due to their ability to interact with water molecules through hydrogen bonding. Nonpolar molecules, like oils and fats, would not mix well with water because they lack the necessary polarity to form interactions with water molecules. Symmetrical molecules would not have a significant impact on their ability to mix with water, as symmetry does not affect polarity.

What do you know about a shapes molecules?

Molecules can have different shapes based on the arrangement of their atoms. The shapes of molecules are important because they influence the molecule's properties and how it interacts with other molecules. The shape of a molecule can affect its reactivity, polarity, and biological activity.

How does the polarity of a substance affect how far it travels up the chalk?

The polarity of a substance affects how strongly it interacts with the chalk. More polar substances will travel up the chalk further because they can form stronger interactions with the polar sites on the chalk surface through processes like capillary action. Less polar substances will travel up the chalk less because they have weaker interactions with the chalk.

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Which of the following factors does not affect membrane permeability?

The presence of membrane proteins does not directly affect membrane permeability. Membrane proteins mainly play a role in transport, signaling, and cell recognition rather than impacting the permeability of the membrane itself.

Does boiling point affect the polarity of water?

No, boiling does not affect the polarity of water. What it does is create enough energy for the water molecules to separate from one another. But the water molecules are still polar.

How does the polarity of water molecules affect a person?

The polarity of water molecules allows them to form hydrogen bonds with other polar molecules, which is important for various biological processes in the human body. Water's polarity also enables it to dissolve many different substances, facilitating metabolic reactions and nutrient transport. Overall, the polarity of water plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and supporting life processes in humans.

What does permeability depend on?

Permeability depends on membrane solubility and the presence of specific integral transport proteins. Other factors such as pressure, concentration, and temperature of the molecules or solutes on either side, as well as the size of the molecules can also affect permeability.

How is smell affected by polarity?

Smell is affected by polarity since odor molecules need to be soluble in the nasal mucus to be detected by olfactory receptors. Polar molecules tend to be more easily dissolved in mucus compared to nonpolar molecules. This allows polar odor compounds to interact more readily with olfactory receptors, influencing the perception of smell.

What factors influence the passage of substances through living membranes?

One factor that influence the passage of substances through living membranes are size which small molecules pass faster than large. Others are the charge non polar are faster and concentration gradient molecules that move to regions of lower concentration.

What substance can freely pass through the cell membranes?

Certain steroid hormones, cholesterol for example, can pass through the plasma membrane of the cell. Ions cannot pass through the plasma membrane but requires a channel protein. All cells in our body has phospholipid bilayer plasma membrane.

How does the polarity of a substance affect how far it travels up the chalk?

The polarity of a substance affects how strongly it interacts with the chalk. More polar substances will travel up the chalk further because they can form stronger interactions with the polar sites on the chalk surface through processes like capillary action. Less polar substances will travel up the chalk less because they have weaker interactions with the chalk.

Does the nature of light effect the polarity of compound?

No, the polarity of a compound may however affect light.

What are factors affect the solubility of a substance?

Temperature and polarity.

How water molecules dissolve polar molecules?

Dissolving is just when water bonds and separates the cation and anion. Water's polarity is the reason why it surrounds each ion and separates it from the oppositely charged ion thus dissolving it. The negative end of the water surround the positive ion and the positively charged end of water surround the negative ion. If there is a polar molecule it will bond in a network with the polar water molecules This is why water will not dissolve non-polar molecules because the polarity has no affect on a non-polar molecule.

How does the size of molecules affect diffusion?

The larger the molecule, the slower the rate of the osmosis; and the smaller the molecule, the slower the rate of osmosis.