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Mutation is abrupt change in the sequence in the DNA. This is routine phenomena. Most are useless to the nature and are eliminated. Only rarely, but very importantly this phenomena leads to formation of the new trends in the organism and at times form the new organism.

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11y ago

A mutation is a deform in a gene the throws off the form in an organism so the form

in an organsim would be changed because of the deform. Confused?

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Q: How exactly does a mutation change the form of an organism and when do such mutations occur?
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How mutation affect survival skills of an organism?

It depends on the mutation. Some mutations have no effect on survival, some mutations are lethal, and some mutations make an individual better adapted to its environment, so it will be more fit than those without the mutation, and therefore produce more offspring with the same mutation, which could change the allele frequency of a population.

How do lethal mutations and neutral mutations differ?

Lethal mutations cause such a radical change that the organism cannot live with it and dies. A neutral mutation is a simple change that does not affect the organism in any way, such as a new eye colour.

What does Bacteria and viruses change the genotype of an organism through?

Bacteria and viruses change the genotype of an organism through mutation. Mutations are heritable changes in DNA and RNA that changes the genes..

Mutation is any change in a gene or chromosome?


What seems to determine the magnitude of a mutation's effect?

Control genes determine the magnitude of a mutation's effect. Mutations in these parts of the genome can substantially change the way the organism is built.

Can mutations be passed from parents to offspring?

You can probably get a better idea from Wikipedia's article on Mutations:

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence cause a change in a trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

How can a mutation in DNA base sequence causes a change in trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

How do mutations occur in an organism?

In the base sequence of the DNA part of the DNA changes which causes a change in the whole DNA which is called a mutation.

How can a mutation a DNA base sequence cause a change in a trait?

Some mutations produce new traits that can help an organism survive.

What changes during a mutation?

Mutations can improve the trait, harm the trait, or neither.

Change in genetic material of an organism from one genrartion to another?

When mutations happen, they cause the alteration of genetic material.