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They don't, nothing happens. Why someone would get an allegeric reaction is for this reason. Your "disease fighters" (white blood cells) mistakes the pollen for a disease and attacks it by letting antibodies out. What the allergic reaction is, is basically an over reaction of your body fighting the substance.

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Q: How does a nonallergic person respond to inhaled pollen?
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What are common inhaled allergens?

Common inhaled allergens include pollen, dust, and insect parts from tiny house mites.

Does bee pollen cause a person to be hyper very talkative?

Nothing is known about bee pollen causing hyperactivity in humans. There are, however, many benefits to eating or using bee pollen.

What can affect plants Pollen have on the respiratory system?

The immune system reacts to substances as threats to the body health. When the allergens are inhaled the first response of the immune system is to attack and attempt to stop the particles from harming the body.

How can pollen be used to work out where people or objects have been?

the pollen might stick to their clothes, hands/fingers and hair, which can be an easy source to find out where the person has been.

How long does it take for pollen to digest in a person's stomach?

Most likely less that a day.

What scientist first made the observations of moving pollen grains?

Robert Brown discovered the motion of moving pollen grains. Although, a theory not long after was found out by Albert Einstein was that the water particles (very hard to see, pretty much invisible) were making these pollen grains move.

What is the function of pollen grains?

Matured pollen grains contained sperm cells. When Pollen grains are sticky, you have pollen. Pollen grains are contained in the pollen sac, with the purpose of helping plants reproduce.

What the function of the pollen grains?

Matured pollen grains contained sperm cells. When Pollen grains are sticky, you have pollen. Pollen grains are contained in the pollen sac, with the purpose of helping plants reproduce.

What is another sentence with the word pollen?

I hate pollen! Pollen is annoying!!

What is pollen rate?

There is no such sense of a pollen "rate," but there is of a pollen count. Which means the average pollen grains in a cubic meter!

After the pollen grains land on the stigma what begins to grow from a cell in the pollen?

the pollen tube

What is the function of the pollen sacs in a flower?

the function of the pollen sac is to produce pollen (pollen grains). The pollen sac is the microsporangium of a seed plant in which pollen is produced. Most plants except coniferous plants contain four (4) pollen sacs.