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they feel like a mental patient and like no one would ever believe them again that they really are normal..(that is if they believe their enforcers).... and you know, they are right about that.

Once you go in, you never come out 'normal' again and you are branded for life. They don't label anyone 'normal' in those places. Many unfortunate souls ruined by the labels. Lucky you are if you got by without their 'help'. Avoid them like hell if you don't want the tag they give you to be seen by every doctor you will visit. Suddenly, the chest pain you are suffering from is not really real but in your head and you aren't worthy of a scrap of belief, because after all, you have that label that means you are always going to be a POS, never to be trusted.. and you never lied to anyone in your life.. but they don't care! You've got 'the label'! Expect drugging up pills to be thrown at you for every medical problem you have. Expect people to throw you away as worthy of being counted as part of the community. Expect people not to trust you ever again... even if you never did anything really horrid. Expect to wear a label of someone who is 'not going to be normal ever' and must have pills shoved down their throat unless you comply with their every whim.

Psychaitrist says "Repeat after me: You are not normal You will never be normal. You will always be under my control, but even if you think you can be in control and want to try being normal, you can't and I am here to tell you that you can't be in control of yourself the way I think you should be. SO let me beat you into submission and not let you have a scrap of hope left that you could ever be competent normal adult, because I saw you as being severely flawed, because I labeled you as such. And because I am an authority, everyone should believe me and no one would ever believe you.... ever, after all you are not normal. "

so the normal person commits suicide. And therefore it was the 'disease' they were labeled with and everyone can take a deep breath because, after all, they are normal and this person was not.

that is what happens to a normal person when they are forced to see a psychiatrist.

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