

How does a person possessed by a devil feel?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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There is no feeling because there is no such thing as possesion by devils. This was a primitive ancient belief that attempted to explain epilepsy and mental illnesses.

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Q: How does a person possessed by a devil feel?
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Does the devil posses people?

It is rare that Beelzebub possesses a person. Typically it is 1 of Satan's minions, another demon.  I see I see there is another answer that indicates there has never been a person possessed by the devil. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing man he didn't exist. I would warn that man who doesn't believe in the Antichrist to watch his ignorance, for Satan lies possessing ignorant people. And God will not protect those who are ignorant.

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I Feel Possessed was created in 1990-01.

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Become possessed, seemingly by the devil.

Can the devil invade your body?

Yes he can! He has his spirits known as demons who enter into you and control everything you do. I guess this is something that's called 'demon possession' or simply possessed. The person possessed has to be exorcised over to deliver him from the invading demon.

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no he was possessed by the devil. sure.

What is exorcism?

==Exorcism == an exorcism is when a priest takes out an evil spirit from a person and/or a creature. Exorcism is the ritualistic practice of removing demons or evil spirits from people, places or things that they have possessed. Catholic priests usually do exorcism and they have kept records, but they are secret records and not for public view. The reasoning is that the victim is possessed by a demon or the devil and the priest will pray and pray over them trying to cast out the demon/devil from the person's body. The priests often take turns (it's exhausting) until they feel they have successfully rid the victim of the demon/devil. The movie "The Exorcist" is a fine example. Whether this be true or not as far exorcism is still up in the air. Some say the person has a mental illness, while others truly believe there is a demon/devil possessing a victim's body.

Is it possible to become a demon?

The Devil is supposed to be the angel, Lucifer, who was cast down from Heaven. A person is a different entity from the Devil. If you are asking can a person's body be taken over ("possessed") by the Devil, to many Christians, and the official position of the Catholic Church, is "yes." However, a person can simply be suffering from disease or mental illness and not be possessed. Supposedly you are supposed to contact the Catholic Church for an official diagnosis of possession rather than making your own. Otherwise, you may be hurting an innocent person by trying to exorcise a demon that isn't there.

Is Lord Voldemort like the devil?

A little. Lord Voldemort possessed characters and animals in the series and it is believed that the Devil possesses people.

How do you know that the devil is in a person?

The early Christians saw epilepsy and mental illness as signs that a person was possessed by the devil. Fortunately, scientific and medical advances has put an end to most of that nonsense, but some level of superstition remains.If you are sufficiently superstitious, you may regard extreme behaviour that is outside normal medical diagnosis of mental illness as evidence of possession by the devil or by demons. Sometimes, the churches are complicit in this, since so-called exorcisms help spread the faith.In all of this, there is not the slightest evidence that anyone has ever been possessed by the devil. Satan is a remnant of a superstitious past and does not really even exist.

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If you mean exorcist then yes. It's about a girl who is possessed by the Devil! What's not scary about that!?

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Fake or possessed by the devil himself, take your pick. I'm going with fake.