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Polar Bears are expert hunters. They usually hunt in areas that interface between ice and water. They rarely hunt in open water. They use a technique called "Still Hunting". They use their excellent sense of smell to locate a seal breathing hole and wait for the seal to appear. When the Seal comes out to breathe, the bear smells its breath, reaches into the hole with its front paws and drags it out of the water. They kill the seal by biting its head. They often raid the birth lairs of female seals and prey on the seal pups. They are extremely powerful and can even kill an adult walrus.

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12y ago
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15y ago

they eat ones that swim to close to the ice brg and get trap in while they are floating around. they eventualy die

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10y ago

Fish are meat. Bears eat meat.

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What is the polar bear's food and how do they get it?

Polar Bear's food is fish and they sometimes dip their paws into the water to get it

What does the polar bear need?

a polar bear needs its food sources and fur to keep it warm

On what level of the food chain does a polar bear fit?

the polar bear is the world largest predator found on land.

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The polar bear is the top of the food chain, no other animal relies on it for food to live.

What are the food sources of the polar bear?

The primary food of polar bears are seals.

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Yes.The polar bear is a predator, whereas the penguin is slow (on land). Penguins would be food to polar bears.

What food chain is a polar bear in?

Its the top predator but if you mean animals try algae-anchovies-salmon-polar bear

How does the polar bear's digestion work?

I think that the polar bears digestive system work is by them eating their food and let it digest and let all of the bad organisms and the bacteria out of their body systems if im correct i doubt it but it's worth a try.

How far does a polar bear travel for food?

Polar bears often travel hundreds of miles to find food.

Does the polar bear's mom get the food for the cubs?

yes there do sometime they will get they bown food