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the polar bear eats seals which are not fish so they can't breathe under water. so they make holes in the ice (polar seals live in icy places) in witch they can enter the water and breathe through. so polar bears wait at the holes and when a seal pops up they eat it.

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Q: How does a polar bear get its prey?
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Polar bear and artic fox also the penguin .

How is a seal different from a polar bear?

a seal is different from a polar bear because a seal has flippers and blubber a polar bear has 4 legs and has fur and a polar bear eats the seal but the seal doesn't eat the polar bear so the seal is prey to the polar bear k

If an Arctic fox is prey to a polar bear then why do Arctic foxes sometimes become friends with them?

an arctic fox isn't prey for a polar bear [also i do not think that foxes become friends with polar bears

Is polar bear a prey?

The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales. No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

Is a polar bear predator or prey?

The Polar Bear is an Apex Predator. Seals are the preferred diet/prey for Polar Bears. Most of its diet consists of ringed or bearded seals. They are also known to hunt and kill adult Walruses and even Beluga Whales. No other animal is known to kill or consume the Polar Bear. So, they are not prey to any other species of animals

What kinds of relationships do polar bears have with other animals?

Usually a predator/prey relationship, with the bear being the predator.

What does the Alaska wolf prey on?

They prey on small animals that they can eat cause if they try to prey on a bear or a polar bear they will get ate up they eat small animals.

Is a polar bear fast or slow moving?

a polar bear is both slow and fast moving its slow when trying to catch its prey and fast to move away from a predator

What prey does the polar bear eat?

Polar bears will eat seals, fish, and somtimes walruses

What are the dangerous features of a bear?

Polar bear. They have been known to actually stalk humans as prey