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Brown.and hard

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often, but not always it expands

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Q: How does a potato look and feel after soaking in salt water?
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What causes fingers to look wrinkled after soaking in warter?

Water enters the cells in the skin.

Why do you think the raisins look different after soaking them in water?

I think raisins look different after soaking in water because it soaks up all the moisture. Think about when you go to the pool and swim for a long time. Doesnt your skin get wrinkled? Its the same thing with the raisins.

Does soaking knuckles in brine water make them harder?

no but if you keep cracking them not going to look so cute.

Is potato water a starch?

look in a microscope with the water starch on a dedicated plate and look for the starch and if you look closely tiny particles of carrot is in a floating pool of cucumber juice

What causes fingers to look wrinkled after soaking in water?

water enters the cells in the skin

Why does your potato look like its sprouting popcorn?

Those are called the "eyes" of the potato and sprout when the potato isn't as fresh any longer; these are called seed potatoes. You can actually plant the potato "eyes" (or the whole potato) and they will grow more potatoes, but you have to do it at the right planting time for where you live. You can also sprout them in a glass of water indoors and they will grow long vines, much like a house plant. To do this, insert toothpicks around the center of the potato so they will hold the top half out of the water, otherwise the whole potato will rot.

What is a vegetable that look like a potato?


Does fishes feel thirsty anytime?

Of course they don't! Look at how much water they have :D

What is the texture of water?

Water does not have a texture. Texture is the look and feel of something, so water does not have one. A texture example would be the smooth surface of a stone.

What did middle ages felting tools look like?

Medieval felting involved no tools of any kind. Wool fibres were simply beaten (or trodden) while they were soaking in warm water in a large coopered vat.

How does Potato pancakes look like?

they look round and spongy

How do you fade blue jeans?

Try soaking the fabric in a mixture of water and bleach. Start with a little amount of bleach and add more if you feel it is needed. Hope this helps!