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Q: How does a reindeer bring up its young?
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How does a reindeer care for its young?

Reindeer cows care for their young by sticking close to it, making sure its young sticks close to mom, and nursing it when the young one needs to.

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by pushing

What does Bring the young lambs to the fold mean?

Bring the young lambs to the fold means to pen up the younger sheep in the herd. It also means to bring the young people to church to worship.

What do reindeer do up on the house top?

Reindeer Pause Out.

How old are Santa's reindeer?

Santa's reindeer are whatever age they choose to be. After they grow up, Santa shares his magic with them so they can pick an age and stay there.

Can wolves eat carrots?

Yes. Wolves actually follow migrating reindeer (caribou) to bring down the young or any weak, old or injured animal that they might be able to close on. A link is provided to the reindeer.

Does a reindeer have live young?

Yes, they are mammals just like you are.

How does a reindeer live?

well a reindeer lives up to 13 years,but on average they live up to 4.5 years

What is the name for reindeer offspring?

A male reindeer is call a buck. A female reindeer is called a doe. A baby reindeer is called a fawn. calf

How does Rudolph look?

Rudolph is a young male reindeer with a bright red nose.

How do reindeer reproduce?

The male (bull) mates with the female (cow) same way as any mammal does. Cow then gives live birth to a calf (young reindeer).

Where do you get reindeer food for santas reindeer?

Santa raises his reindeer at his place at the North Pole.