

How does a smell travel?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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13y ago

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Qualitative evidence of the microscopic nature of gases is shown by an effect called Brownian motion.

This motion, in combination with air currents, is how a smell travels.

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Q: How does a smell travel?
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Because your nasal passage is congested. That means the smell cannot travel to your brain.

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They smell, track, travel downwind, jump, and kill.

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the molecules from the pie (or other creation) travel through the air and eventually land in your nostrils, thus allowing you to smell food.

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Does smell travel quicker than noise?

Probably not. "Noise" consists of sound waves, which travel, appropriately enough, at the speed of sound ... something like 340 meters per second. "Smell" consists of molecules or particles that physically travel from the source to your nose. Almost by definition, the speed of the physical particles has to be less than the speed of sound waves in air.

Should hot water from travel trailer smell?

No. Time to flush and sterilize (you can buy chlorine pills) the system.

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usually on the roof of the car or bed of the pickup. No one will want to smell you. They can tell.

How does a nasty smell travel acroos a room?

the rate at which a smell diffuses across a room depends on the mass of the particles and the density of the substance. If a substance has a low density it will diffuse faster and also if it has a low mass it will diffuse faster.

How far can a coyotes howl travel?

That all depends on the area in which it is in. If is on a mountain it would travel quite a distance. If it was in a gorge it would go a little ways but not all that far. In a forest it could travel for miles because it can reverberate off of the trees.

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to smell to smell to smell to smell

Why does sound travel faster then smell?

Sound is faster because god has made it so, otherwise we would have no warning to run when someone releases dirty anus clouds.