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One sperm burrows into the egg and starts the process of cell division that becomes a baby. That is what it does, I'm not sure anyone can really tell you how it happens.

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Q: How does a sperm and an egg make a baby?
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How is a bady is made?

well a baby is made by your moms egg and your dads sperm. first they have to have sex so the sperm and egg can meet. then when the sperm touches the egg it starts to from into a baby. then the baby keeps growing until your mom couldn't hold you in her belly anymore.

Which cell determends the gender of a human baby?

The sperm cell determines the gender of a human baby. Ova only have X sex chromosomes, but sperm cells can have either an X or a Y sex chromosome. If an X sperm fertilizes an egg, the offspring will be XX and be female. If a Y sperm fertilizes an egg, the offspring will be XY and be male.