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A white dwarf is what stars like the Sun become after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel. Near the end of its nuclear burning stage, this type of star expels most of its outer material, creating a planetary nebula. Only the hot core of the star remains. This core becomes a very hot white dwarf, with a temperature exceeding 100,000 kelvin.

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Q: How does a star turn into a white dwarf star?
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What causes a giant star to turn into a white dwarf?

A giant star would experience a supernova explosion, in order to become a white dwarf.

What will the sun turn into when it blows up?

It will turn into a white dwarf star, after being a red giant star.

Is Pluto a white dwarf star?

Pluto is not a white dwarf star, it is just a dwarf planet.

Is a dwarf star and a white dwarf the same thing?

No. A dwarf star is a small star. A white dwarf is just one particular type of dwarf star, but there are other types.

Is the white dwarf the biggest star?

No a white dwarf is a small compact star.

Is Pollux a white dwarf star?

No, Pollux is not a white dwarf, it is a orange giant star.

What is a cooled white dwarf star that is extremely dense?

A cooled white dwarf is a black dwarf. I think you are thinking of a neutron star which has nothing to do with a white dwarf.

Why would a white dwarf become a red dwarf?

A white dwarf could not become a red dwarf. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star. A red dwarf is a star with a very low mass.

Is white dwarf a massive star?

No. A white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass star.

What happens after a large star like vv cephie turn into?

After a large star like vv cephie there is a white dwarf.

What do you think the difference is between a black dwarf and a supernova explosion?

A black dwarf is a dead white dwarf. By dead, I mean a star that no longer burns. A white dwarf, in turn, is a dead "moderate" star (a star like our sun). So a black dwarf is a star that's died twice, with mass not much higher or probably lower than that of our sun. A supernova, is the "death" of a star that's really huge. By huge, I mean it has a mass that's considerably higher than that of our sun. That kind of star doesn't turn into a white dwarf. Rather, it becomes either a neutron star (pulsar or non-pulsar) or a black hole.

What does the color of a star help to determine about the star?

The color of a star determines the heat of the star. For example; a white dwarf star does not produce nearly as much heat as our sun does. However, one day, our sun will turn into a white dwarf star. When this happens there will not be enough heat to live on Earth.