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Q: How does a stroke affect movement?
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What is a movement of a piston up or down?

A stroke is the movement of a piston up or down.

What are the age factors that affect relearning speech and mobility after stroke?

Age can impact relearning speech and mobility after a stroke due to factors such as reduced neuroplasticity, slower recovery processes, and potential comorbidities. Older individuals may have more difficulty relearning these skills compared to younger individuals due to these age-related factors. Rehabilitation strategies may need to be tailored to address the specific needs of older stroke survivors.

How does tachycardia affect stroke volume and cardiac output?

Lowers stroke volume

How is Stroke a nervous disorder?

It isn't. A stroke is a cardiovascular event that CAN (might) affect the nervous system, specifically, the brain. If so, then it CAN (might) affect the muscular system through where the damage occurred in the brain. Stroke CAN (might) affect speech and memory as well. But stroke is still a cardiovascular event.

What type of movement is involved in breast stroke?

Pulling and kicking, just like every other stroke.

How does a stroke affect pulse rate?


What system does stroke affect?

Nervous system

What is Piston movement from top to bottom of the cylinder called?


How do you stroke something?

Using a hand to stroke a cat, dog or rabbit, is reputed to have a calming affect on a human.

What is the job of a crankshaft?

It turns the stroke movement of the piston(s) into a rotation.

Does heat stroke affect eye sight?

yes x

What systems of the body does a stroke affect?

The Nervous System.