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Teenage boys never "decide" they are gay. At puberty, when a boy becomes sexually aware, he either feels attraction to other boys, or he doesn't. It isn't a decision. It's just part of his nature.

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Q: How does a teenage boy decide he is gay?
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Do teenage boys go through a stage of loving other boys?

MAybe if they are gay...i am a teenage boy and i like girls

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Being gay is not an illness, so it has no cure. It is a natural, healthy, sexual orientation.

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How do you tell a teenage boy you fancy him when you are gay?

This is often a difficult thing to do, particularly if the teenage boy you are referring to is heterosexual and is a close friend of yours. You have to make the judgement of risking your friendship by telling him you are gay and that you are attracted to him. If you do decide to take this step, ensure you are open and honest when talking to him. Listen to his feelings and respect what each other has to say. Do not act impulsively and try your best to remain friends no matter what happens. Sometimes it is best to let these feelings pass and remain friends only. Remember that while a relationship can be great and satisfying, your friendship will probably last longer and be more valuable to you in the future.

Why do people decide to become gay?

People don't decide to become gay, they're born like that.

What is 'gay boy' when translated from English to French?

"Gay boy" in English is homme gay in French.

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A Fender American Telecaster is a great gift for a teenage boy.

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plot of a hug from a teenage boy by Nancy noel marra

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You cannot convince a boy into being gay.