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The predators of a termite are birds, ants, lizards, and dragonflies.

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Q: How does a termite survive from predators?
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With what species does the termite have a mutualistic relationship?

mutualism is when 2 organisms benefit from each other. the termite benefits from the Trychonympha because the Trychonympha breaks down the CELLULOSE in the wood that the termites eat, which helps the digestive system "clear out". The Trychonympha benefits from the termite because the Trychonympha gets CELLULASE from the termite, which is the thing in the Trychonympha that actually does the "breaking down" of the cellulose. Without eachother, they wouldn't be able to survive.

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Are there any natural alternatives to pesticides for Termite Control?

There are many alternatives for termite control that don't involve the use of chemicals. You can try adding organic material to the soil since termites prefer to inhabit soils that are low in organic matter. Encouraging the higher populations of natural termite predators such as spiders, bees, and ants is another approach.

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The majority of predators are scared off by the rattle - it's not a 'natural' sound and most animals will flee from something they're unfamiliar with. Add to that - a highly-potent venomous bite - and the rattlesnake will survive most predators.

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