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Most tornadoes do not suck up everything in their path, because most are not strong enough. But tornadoes can lift objects because in addition to their powerful rotating winds they have a very strong updraft.

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Q: How does a tornado suck up everything in its path?
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How is a tornado hazardous?

It destroys everything in its path. Besides, anything debris the tornado picks up is a deadly missile.

Why is a tornado able to suck up anything in its path?

Most tornadoes cannot "suck up" much more than small objects. Tornadoes can suck in and lift objects as the low pressure pulls air inward at great speed. In the tornado air then travels upward rapidly, often carrying some objects with it.

What does a tornado do to stuff?

A tornado can cause significant damage by generating extremely strong winds that can destroy buildings, uproot trees, and toss objects like debris and vehicles. It can also create a vacuum effect that can suck up and carry away objects in its path.

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Does a Tornado suck up objects?

Very often, yes, a tornado will lift objects into the air. Light objects such as pieces of paper can make it all the way into the stratosphere.

How does a tornado suck people up?

Air travels upwards rapidly in a tornado. If the speed of the updraft exceeds the terminal velocity of a person, then it can lift people off the ground.

Do tornadoes keep everything they have or do they sit some back up?

If you mean to say to tornadoes take away everything they touch, no. Some stuff they leave in place depending on how strong the tornado is. If you mean to ask if everything a tornado picks up stays with the tornado or ends up back where it started, then the answer is neither. When a tornado picks something up it will stay airborne for a bit but will eventually fall back down somewhere else or end up stuck in something such as a tree or a wall.

Can a tornado suck up a big concrete dome?

If it is a very large one, most likely not. However, a strong enough tornado could cause a concrete dome to collapse.

What do black holes suck in?

Absolutely anything and everything. They may even suck up time(!!!!!), but no one knows for sure.

Can a tornado suck up a house?

Yes. Tornadoes have been known to lift houses into the air. It usually takes a very strong tornado to do so, generally of F4 or F5 intensity.

What happens to a fish when there's a tornado?

If a tornado hits a body of water (at which point it is called a waterspout) it can "suck up" some unlucky fish. These fall back to earth a little later.

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Your face. suck it up. you dont know everything.