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Q: How does a tree go from trees to being a piece of paper?
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Does homework hurt trees?

Homework does not directly hurt trees. The production and disposal of paper used for homework assignments, however, can contribute to deforestation and negatively impact tree populations if not managed sustainably. Using recycled paper and reducing paper consumption can help minimize the environmental impact on trees.

How one piece of paper save a tree?

If you dont know why 1 piece of paper saves a tree it is because the paper is made out of wood and if you waste it al lot you might cause less living from squirrells to ows who live in those trees so if you waste more you can bemischief at the same time

How many trees make 100 pieces of paper?

It all depends on the size of the tree and the size of a piece of paper. However, if you are talking about a large, full-grown tree and 81/2" x 11" paper, then it takes much less than one tree to make 100 pieces of paper.

Why is paper made of trees?

Paper is made out of trees because there are alot of them and because thay are also a renewable and recyclable resouce

What tree is paper money made from?

It is not paper from trees....It is made from cotton.

How paper is made in a paper mill?

First the trees are chopped down and token to the paper mill. Then they take the trees to get the the bark is removed from the tree. Next they take those trees to a machine called chipper" that's where there chopped to tiny piece's. Then they cook the wood until it turns into a liquid .Finally they take the liquid to a flat are to where its cooked flat

Which plant gives us paper and wood?

All trees give us wood. That's what makes them trees as opposed to shrubbery, grasses, etc.

Why do people cut trees for paper?

it's because the paper comes from the pulp of the tree.

What was paper made out of before it was made out of trees?

Paper was made of rock's before tree's made paper

What trees do you use to make paper?

any sort of tree-generally the fast growing trees

How many trees are used for paper?

the average tree makes around 40,000 sheets of paper

Is paper biotic or abiotic?

It is biotic because paper come from trees, trees are biotic which means a live. But paper is not a live but the tree was once a live.