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It exposes your body to a small dose of that disease which your body starts making anti bodies for. Your body then knows how to deal with that disease if it ever should come.

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Yes, because the antibodies start to work before the virus enters your body.

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Q: How does a vaccination cause you to develop active immunity?
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What is the difference between acquired and passive immunity?

Acquired immunity is developed by the body after exposure to a pathogen or vaccine, leading to the production of antibodies. Passive immunity is temporary protection acquired through the transfer of pre-formed antibodies, such as from mother to child during pregnancy or through receiving injections of antibodies.

When does active immunity occur?

Active immunity will generally occur when a person is exposed to pathogens. This will happen when a disease develops as a result of agents that cause diseases.

What is the relationship between immunity and vaccination?

Vaccination boosts immunity by introducing harmless antigens to the body, prompting the immune system to create antibodies. This primes the immune system to recognize and defend against future infections from the targeted pathogen. Vaccines help the body develop immunity without causing the disease itself.

How inflammation and fever help develop immunity?

inflammation and fever cause destruction of cells which leads to increase in white corposule (fighter cells) ,thus helps in developing immunity

Is vaccination protect human life?

Yes vaccine prevent human life as Vaccine are used to create immunity in the body to fight against germs which cause diseases. The best example of vaccination is smallpox vaccine which help in eludation of this disease completely from the earth

What are two types of acquired specific immunity?

There is innate immunity (that you are born with) and acquired immunity. Acquired immunity you get when you are vaccinated or you get the disease and fight it off. The best example is that of what we call common colds. There are about 100 different viruses that cause them. This is one reason that babies and young children seem to be always be coming down with one or getting over one.

What kind of immunity do you receive from vaccines?

Innate immunity (also called nonspecific or natural immunity) refers to the inborn ability of the body to resist and is genetically transmitted from one generation to the next. This immunity offers resistance to any microorganism or foreign material encountered by the host. It includes general mechanisms inherited as part of the innate structure and function of each vertebrate and acts as the first line of defense. Innate immunity lacks immunological memory, i.e., it occurs to the same extent each time a microorganism or foreign material is encountered.

Can a fever from a flu shot be contagious?

If you had a flu vaccination and soon or immediately after getting it you had a mild fever and other mild flu symptoms caused by the vaccination, then the fever you have would not be due to contagious disease but, rather, due to the immune response that the vaccination caused in your body (which is how the shots give us immunity) and it would not be from infectious disease or the flu. These mild reactions to the flu shot usually only cause a low grade fever under 100F and last only a few days. However, there is also always the possibility that you actually have the flu, since it takes about two weeks to develop full immunity from an inoculation and if you caught the flu before the vaccination, it could be what is causing a fever. Use careful hand washing technique to protect others in case it is actually the flu and until you have gone 24 hours without a fever.

What is the difference between active immunity and passive immunity?

Active immunity is when the body produces its own antibodies in response to an antigen, providing long-lasting protection. Passive immunity is when antibodies are transferred from one individual to another, providing immediate but temporary protection.

How vaccination creates immunity?

Vaccines can cause long term immunity or temportary immunity. The vaccine that is injected into the body has particles of a disease, or a less harmful form of a disease so that the body's immune system recognizes it as a possible threat and kills it. Your body's memory cells believe that you already had the sickness, so that when the invader is introduced into your system, the body recognizes it and is more equipped to fight it off (Because it "remembers") and you are therefore, immune.

Should you take Tamiflu if you had a flu shot?

You could, but it may not be needed if the shot protects you from getting the flu (as it should once it produces immunity in around 2 weeks after the vaccination in adults). If Tamiflu is prescribed by your doctor, then it should be no problem, just mention the recent vaccination. If you got, or are getting, a flu nasal mist vaccination instead of a shot, then you should not have antiviral medications like Tamiflu for two weeks before or two weeks after the vaccination. It will not hurt you if you do, but you may be rendering the vaccination ineffective or less effective if you do, since the mists are made with "live" viruses and they could be disabled by the antiviral medicine before they can cause your proper immune response to the vaccines when given during the time your body is working to build immunity from exposure to the vaccine.

Which is your body and rsquos ability to destroy pathogens that it has previously encountered before these pathogens can cause disease?
