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Usually a vaccine does not help one get better from an infection, instead it prevents getting the infection in the first place by preparing the immune system to fight the infectious organism before the immune system would encounter the infectious organism during an infection.

There are however a few diseases (e.g. rabies) where giving a vaccine after the infection has already begun can be helpful to help one get better from that infection. This works because the level of the vaccine early in the infection can exceed the level of the infectious organism for a short period of time. This prepares the immune system to fight the infectious organism before the immune system would encounter enough of the infectious organism during that infection, giving the immune system an "advantage". But for most infections this will not work at all.

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Q: How does a vaccine help a person get better from an infection?
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How does a vaccine help fight viral infections?

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IS There no vaccine for Hepatitis C and no treatment that will prevent infection?

Correct. There is no vaccine for Hepatitis C. There are medications that can help treat it but none have been found to be effective for prevention.

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The vaccine makes the body create memory cells.

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The Hepatitis B vaccine was developed in 1965 and is used to help the prevention of hepatitis V virus infection. It is also the first anti-cancer vaccine because it helps prevent liver cancer.

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Is hepatitis curable or preventable?

Hepatitis refers to a condition in which the liver is inflamed, it can be causes by a number of different factors, including viruses. There are several hepatitis viruses, each one is distinct. Hepatitis A is vaccine preventable; it is a short-term (acute) infection and there is no cure. Hepatitis B is also vaccine preventable; it can be a short-term (acute) infection, but in cases where the immune system fails to fight off the initial infection it can become a long-term (chronic) infection. Chronic hepatitis B is not curable, but there are treatments available that can help manage viral progression and damage. Hepatitis C is NOT vaccine preventable; in some cases the immune system will fight off the initial infection, but most adults who are exposed to the hepatitis C virus will develop the chronic infection. While there is no vaccine for hepatitis C, there are medications that can get rid of the virus. Hepatitis D only occurs in combination with hepatitis B, therefore the vaccine for hepatitis B is also effective against hepatitis D.

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There is currently no vaccine available to prevent HIV infection. There are many antiretroviral medications that help improve the quality of life and extend the life span of those infected with HIV.

How many flu shots do you get if you're sick?

None. If you are already sick with the flu, a flu shot for that type of flu will not help you. It is a vaccine to preventthe specific viral infection, not a cure or treatment.However, since the seasonal flu vaccination in the US is trivalent (contains vaccine for 3 different types of flu), it is still good to get the vaccination even if you have already become sick with one of the types of flu in the vaccine, you still need the vaccine to prevent the other two types. And the type you have may not even be one of the three in the vaccine at all.You can get the vaccination as long as you do not have a fever. But waiting until you are completely over the current infection is a good idea, so you can rest in bed to get over the infection as quickly as possible, and so you don't pass it on to someone else while you are out in public.

How does the HIV vaccine help to prevent chickenpox?

There is no commercially available HIV vaccine as of 2014.