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Q: How does a vinyl window frame burn?
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Do vinyl windows stay cooler than metal ones?

Metal transmits heat and cold better than vinyl does, so a metal window frame would heat up quicker and hotter than a vinyl window frame. That temperature change might also affect the insulating properties of the window.

Can vinyl shutters fit in any window frame?

Yes, vinyl shutters can fit in any window frame. They can be custom cut. You first have to measure the window and take down the measurements. Then you can either bring the measurements to a store, like Home Depot and purchase blinds, or order the vinyl blinds online. You just have to enter the measurements when you place the order.

What is the melting point of vinyl for example a vinyl window frame?

The frame of a "Vinyl" window is made out of PVC (Polyvinylchloride). The properties of PVC will depend on the additives and other components added during the compounding step. Straight PVC has a melting point around 85 oC. Higher heat resistant PVC has a melting point around 180 oC.

What is the best way to stop a vinyl window from squeaking when it is being opened and closed?

Depends what is squeaking. Is it the balances (things inside the frame that control the movement of the sashes) or the sash vinyl rubbing against the frame vinyl? Wd40 would work for both. I suggest you rub a bar of soap on the weight bearing sides or bottom depending on what type of window it is ie. slider or sash.

How do you repair a crack in a vinyl window frame?

try a quality super glue, or perhaps gorilla glue. Caulking would work.

How would I go about soundproofing a window?

Replace the window with a vinyl framed "double/triple paned" glass window, available from your local hardware store. Add another window on the inside frame of your existing window. Place a sound barrier in the window frame, blocking the sound (and the light). Use acoustical drapes tove "snap-in" w block sound as they do in Hotels/Motels.

Will a standard vinyl replacement window work in a mobile home?

No. a standard Vinyl replacement window will not work in a mobile home unless you do some work to the wall to frame it to the correct size. Generally a mobile homes walls and window openings are a different size than the standard size used in stick built homes.

Are vinyl stickers and vinyl window decals the same thing?

It's a matter of semantics but vinyl stickers is a catch all term, whereas vinyl window decals are more specific and a subset of "vinyl stickers". Vinyl window decals are usually static cling and have a clear backing, or frosted background, though not always. It really depends on the item. In answer to your question, vinyl window decals are a type of vinyl stickers, just as apples are a type of fruit. Hope this helps.

Can cigarettes burn vinyl?


Are vinyl replacement windows important?

Vinyl windows are very important to a home.A replacement window will conserve energy in all seasons. The vinyl is the plastic material around the glass that fits where your old wooden window pane set. You can purchase vinyl window replacements online,at home stores,or window dealers in the yellow pages.

What are vinyl window covers?

There are several types of window covers made from vinyl, including shutters, awnings, and shades. See

Does vinyl siding burn?

Yes, the PVC or polyvinyl chloride used in vinyl siding or cladding does burn. When PVC burns toxins are formed.