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It doesn't, it can't divide.

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Q: How does a virus divide its self?
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What is a self replicating software that is capable of self propagation from machine to machine?

A virus.

What is a virus that repeats itself?

Virus cannot replicate it self. It should enter into a host

Can you say hair is a virus?

hair is not a virus bro... Virus is non living substance which can be crystallized... if virus enters body, it used mechanism our body cells to regenerate and divide,...

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A Virus that claims to feel threatened by your legitimate programs, and deletes them in "self-defense"

What is a self-replicating piece of software that is capable of self-propagation from machine to machine?

A virus.

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a virus could also be a worm, trojan, etc.

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its just like the anti live virus! its the virus but manipulated to attack its self, it that makes sense?

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the us gave them the option to divide into 5 states

Cell in which a virus multiplies it self?

A virus replicates inside a host cell. For example 'Bacteriophase'

How can a virus use the cell machinery of the blood cell?

it is because virus does not have a cell machinery to divide itself. when it comes to affect our body's tissue, it uses the blood cell's machinery to divide and infect other blood cell.