

How does a virus take over a body?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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yes they can local scientist Jonathan Harper says.

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Q: How does a virus take over a body?
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How does the human body prepare itself for a virus the the human has already fought?

Because the body has already experienced the virus, the body knows how to get over the virus.

Whats the difference about a virus and a cell?

Viruses are like cells except they destroy your immune system and take over your body and kill you.

Which is most harmful body virus?

in my opinion, its the hemmoratic fever virus, which causes bleeding from all over your body and eventually reduces the body to a bloody pulp

How does a virus infect your body?

The virus takes over your cell, then reproduces with the infection, making more viruses.

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What is a virus's one mission?

The virus's mission is to take over our body cells and use our DNA in the cells to reproduce the virus's own kind,so that it will not go extinct,but it makes us ill too, and after a while our cells die one by one as the DNA is being used to the limit by the virus.

What are virus treated with?

A virus cannot be treated; your body's natural immune system has to take care of it. However, catching a virus can be prevented if you get an immunization shot.

What do vaccines prepare that causes them to work well?

Memory cells: Memory cells help us mount quicker responses to antigens we have previously encountered. Revised: When you body first encounters a virus, the immune system does not know the type of white blood cell that can destroy the virus. Thus, giving the virus enough time to take over. When you get a vaccine, it is basically a virus that is too weak to do any harm. Which means, a vaccine puts a type of virus dummy in your body. This way, your body can take time to train against this new type of virus, so when the real thing comes, you body remembers how to be immune to it. Note: Vaccines do not get you sick. You may feel sick a little bit, but that is your body reacting, as it does not know this dummy virus does no harm.

How HIV spread into human body?

The virus takes over the cell and it uses the cell to make more and more virus then it spreads out.

How long does it take for a cold virus to go away?

Usually a cold virus take from 3-5 days but depending on the virus and the human body differences it can take less than a day. Some bodies attack the virus quickly giving you symptoms faster.

Where can you find the infection from a virus its not in my blood?

To replicate viruses enter host body cells and take them over. Different viruses target different body cells. For instance the common cold virus targets the nasal membrains, herpies attacks nerve cells and HIV attacks bood cells.

Can you have shingles on the inside of your body and not on the outside?

It can outbreak all over the body and happen again