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A water turbine produces energy by transferring the energy from flowing or falling water using a generator. A generator uses copper coils and magnets to create energy. The magnetic field produced from the magnets need to cross over the copper coils which excite the particles in the coils to produce and cause the electricity to flow, making electricity from water.

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Q: How does a water turbine produce energy?
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Related questions

How can flowing water be used to produce energy?

It can be used to actuate a mechanism, such as a water wheel or water turbine.

What does running water spin to produce energy?

Hydroelectric dams use he flow of water to push a turbine. The turbine works like a reverse motor, using a moving electric field to produce a current.

What types of energy can burning coal produce?

The burning becomes heat energy. The heat boils water to make steam, which then turns a turbine, which is kinetic energy. The turbine can power a power generator, producing electric energy, which can then produce almost any kind of energy.

How is energy released in the reactor made to drive a turbine?

The energy released in a nuclear reactor is in the form of heat. This heat is used to boil water and produce high pressure steam which then drives the turbine.

Is hydroelectric energy clean?

It is one of the cleanest energy sources out there. What is happening to produce hydroelectric energy is that water is spinning a turbine and that turbine produces electricity. There is no fuels burning to produce it. The most harmful part of the production is the initial setup of the turbine (located at damns). There is no 100% clean energy. If it generates sound, then it can be considered pollution. There is waste in refining the materials to make it.

How is thermal energy transformed into kinetic energy?

The thermal energy could be used to produce steam from water. This steam drives steam turbine producing kinetic energy.

What are thermal energy advantagaes?

its in a cycle. water is heated to produce steam which spins the turbine. and when steam condenses it forms water which can be evaporated again

What type of energy does not used a turbine to produce electricity?


What is the big machine to produce energy from wind?

Wind Turbine.

How does falling water transfer from potential energy to electrical energy?

The water in a reservoir or lake, at a higher level than the water turbine, has potential energy. When released to flow down to the turbine it gains kinetic energy due to the movement of mass, then this is turned to mechanical energy in the turbine and finally to electrical energy in the generator

How does a turbine and generator work?

The turbine converts pressure & heat energy (in steam turbine & gas turbine), velocity energy (in hydro turbine) into mechanical energy which produces rotation of the turbine. This mechanical force is used to rotate the rotor(which is coupled with the same shaft as that of turbine) of the generator which converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy.

How does nuclear fission spin a turbine?

The heat energy resulting from nuclear fission is used to produce steam that spins the turbine.