

How does a whale get its oxygen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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8y ago

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Whales breathe through a nostril called a "blowhole" on top of their head.

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It breathes air.

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Q: How does a whale get its oxygen?
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To breath more freely in open air. Percentage of oxygen in water is less for big creatures like whale. Therefore, sometimes they come out of water for more oxygen.

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It's because the blue whale is a mammal that lives in the water, and needs the oxygen in the air to breathe.

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A whale uses a respitory system to acquire oxygen, so a whale needs to rise to the surface to inhale more air, so that it's cells can continue to live.

How do blow holes help the whale?

DO YOU SERIOUSLY NOT KNOW THIS?!?!? It's because they need it to breathe in oxygen.

What is the difference between a shark and a whale explain please.?

A shark is a fish and a whale is a mammal. Therefor the shark has gills to get oxygen from the water and whales have to breathe air, so they come to the surface.

What is a similarity in the respiration of the whale and the guppy?

The resparatory system between fish and human is very different in its physical sense, but the need for oxygen is the same. Fish inhale oxygen rich H2O and their gills divide the water from the oxygen. Fish gills expell all other components except oxygen. Humans enhale air and our lungs divide all other components and expell it except oxygen.

How does a whale hold its breath?

Whales don't breath underwater.They hold their breath underwater instead.Whales are mammals like us.They have lungs like us so they need to breath air above the water like we do. A whale can hold it's breath for up to half an hour underwater and thats only because it's lungs are huge.Our lungs only partly fill with air.A whale uses it's blowhole to breathe in air and when you see water spurting from a whale blowhole thats just the water vapour from the whale's lungs and any water around the blowhole.they need oxygen like us.If we didn't get oxygen we will die.

Is the spout of a whale at the top or bottom?

Also known as the blowhole, it is on the top of the head. It's where they take in and release oxygen.

Which is not a mammal a whale or human?

Both are mammals, as both are warm blooded, need oxygen to survive, and give live birth.

Do octopuses come to the surface to breathe?

No, they aren't a mammal like a whale or dolphin so they breathe using the oxygen in the water.