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Q: How does a wing on a plane create lift?
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What does the wing do on a plane?

It provides lift to keep the plane airborne.

What is the function of the wing of a plane?

To lift the plane and enable it to fly.

What does a plane need to make it fly?

Using light-weight materials, an aerodynamic design, power source to get the plane off the ground will all help. Probably the biggest thing a plane needs is enough lift from the wings. The shape of the wing helps create this lift. The wing's profile kind of looks like a tear drop that is flat on the bottom and curved on the top tapering to a point to the rear of the wing. If I remember correctly, this profile creates an area of high pressure on the underside of the wing compared to a lower pressure on top of the wing. This is what creates the lift for the plane. Of course you have to maintain a proper speed to maintain this lift in order to keep the plane in the air...Hope that helps.

Which parts of the plane create lift?

The wings and horizontal tail surfaces create lift.

Why is it preferable for planes to take off into the wind as opposed to with the wind?

The wind is required to pass over the wing to create a vacum which lifts the plane. Flaps are used to extend the wing surface to help with lift

Can A PLANE fly with out wings?

No. By definition, A PLANE is a fixed-wing aircraft. The wings are absolutely necessary for lift.

How does aerofoil cause the plane to lift?

Aerofoils are able to lift the plane by wind speed, and wind direction. Aerofoils can also lift the plane up by its shape when bent downward of an aeronautical wing shape. - Aerospace engineering

Is the pressure greater above the wing or the wing?

Lower above, and greater below. That's what enables the wing to create lift.

What is air Foil technology?

An airfoil or aerofoil is the shape of a wing or blade (of a propeller, rotor or turbine) or sail as seen in cross-section. It is used on the wings of a plane to create lift.

How does plane fly in the air?

If you look at the typical airplane wing, you will notice that the bottom is relatively flat as opposed to the top of the wing that is curved. As the wing goes through the air, the air on top of the wing must travel faster relative to the air on the bottom of the wing. This create a low pressure vacuum on top of the wing. That vacuum creates lift, and enables the plane to sustain flight. This behavior is the Bernoulli principle. As the wing angle is increased, relative to the air it's going through (called Angle of Attack), it will increase lift, at least to a point. When a wing angle of attack becomes to high, the air above the wing becomes too turbulent and the wing will then "stall" (stops producing lift).

What force is used to fly a plane?

Thrust and lift are required to make a plane fly. A plane can use just lift if it is in the air already. The engines create thrust (if the aircraft has engines), and the wings create lift. Helicopters make lift by pushing air down, though.

How aircraft fly?

Aircraft fly based on the principal of lift. Lift is the force that pushes a plane up. A wing is curved, which means the air flowing over the top of the wing is moving slower than the air moving under the wing. This faster moving air pushes up on the wing and the plane, making it fly.