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Q: How does a wolf rely on the sun for energy?
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What is the wolf's source of energy?

The energy in the prey it eats. Wolves are carnivores, they eat meet. The animals they eat themselves eat grass and get their energy from the grass. Grass is a plant and plants make their own food by trapping the energy in Sunlight. Thus ultimately the Wolf's source of energy is the Sun.

Why can't rely on solar power?

You CAN rely on solar energy. It is VERY powerful and it's unlimited. In about 45 minutes, the sun delivers enough energy to power all the machines on earth for a year. The only problems are that solar panels are expensive, even though they cut down your bills and eventually pay for themselves, and we can't harness all the sun's energy yet.

What energy source is not derived directly or indirectly from solar energy?

Geothermal energy is derived from the earth's internal heat sources. Tidal energy is derived from the moon's orbit. All other types of energy generation rely somehow on the sun.

Where does energy in your food originally come from?

Energy in food comes from the sun. The sun is the source of energy in all food, because at some level in the food chain animals rely on animals that eat plants and plants derive their energy from the sun.

What basic unit of food is used for energy and growth?

The sun provides light energy which plants use to convert in to chemical energy through photosynthesis. Nutrients from the soil also assist in growth of plants. Animals rely completely on these green plants for their energy. Green plants produce chemical energy (food energy).

Related questions

Is there anything on earth that does not rely on the sun?

All living things rely, ultimately, on the sun's energy.

4 How does a wolf get energy from the sun?

It doesn't.

How does a wolf get energy from the sun?

The wolf gets energy from the sun by: 1. Sun shines on plant 2. Plant uses sunshine to photosythesize leaves 3. Caribou eats leaves 4. Wolf eats caribou

Why is the sun the most important source of energy?

Because almost all processes occurring on the surface of the earth rely on the sun as their ultimate source of energy. The only ones that don't are those that rely on geothermal energy.

What is the similarity between a fly and a tree?

They both rely on the energy of the Sun to live.

Where does the energy in food from?

Energy in food comes from the sun. The sun is the source of energy in all food, because at some level in the food chain animals rely on animals that eat plants and plants derive their energy from the sun.

How do some producers and consumers each rely light from the sun?

The majority of producers (eg green plants) rely on the sun's energy to produce food. Primary consumers eat plants so in an indirect way the consumers are also relying on the sun's energy for their food

Does the sun give off more energy than birds?

The sun gives more energy. Absolutely. Especially because birds use energy that came from the sun and was stored in their food. All plants and animals rely on the sun for energy, either directly or indirectly.

What source of energy do organisms use that dont use the sun's energy?

Some types of organisms rely on the energy stored in the inorganic checmical compounds.

How do the earth and moon rely on the sun?

how do he earth and moon rely on the sun

What is renewable about light?

Light is considered a renewable energy source because we will be able to rely on the sun as a light source for as long as our sun continues to glow.

Why cannot we rely on solar cells to supply all the electricity you need?

The sun (source of energy) isn't always there,..