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Well, Taylor, I think you shouldn't steal other people's science fair ideas!

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it doesn't

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Q: How does acidity of fruits affect its conductivity of elecricity?
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What the branch of chemistry is involved when the acidity of fruits juices are compared?

analysis of fruit and vegetable juices for their acidity

Why do different citrus fruits conduct electricity more than others?

There are different acidity levels in the citrus fruits.

What is the importance of total acidity in fruit juice?

Titratable acidity of fruit juices is an important parameter in determining fruit maturity and sour taste in citrus fruits.

Which fruits or vegetables can cause more electricity?

Citric fruits such as lemons. Because of there high acidity

Is citric acid present in plants?

Citric acid does not affect plant growth in plants unless it is applied in large quantities. Citric acid will, however, burn through seeds and halt the germination process.

Does grape fruit have magnesium trisilicate?

Grape fruits do not have magnesium trisilicate. Some persons may get relief to acidity by eating grapes.

How do you define a citrus fruit from a fruit?

The wording is not clear.All citrus fruits are fruitsAll fruits are not necessarily citrusGuessing that you want to know which fruits are citrus it is based on acidity (citric acid).Some examples of fruits that have HIGH (many fruits have citric acid, only those of high content are considered citrus fruits)levels of citric acid, ther fore citrus fruits:OrangeLemonLimeGrapefruit

Can lemon juice increase stomach acidity?

Lemon juice, and other citrus fruits like lime, grapefruit and orange, are acids. They don't cause acidity so much as add acidity to whatever you put them in.

What food is helpful to fight acidity?

I'd say bananas seeing as they contain a nice chunck of K+ and most other fruits are highly acidic...also I really like bananas :o) lol

Does water effect the weight of fruits?

Water affects all weight so yes it would affect fruits

What is the chemical elements of a soft drinks?

water, sugar or sweeteners, preservative, acidity corrector, juice, fruits extracts, and many others, depending on the supplier and the receipt.

Does the shape of fruits affect peoples appetite?

eta a lot ,sleep