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Because if the adaptation is usefull or essential to the survival of a species then only the animals with that adaptation will get offspring and therefore more and more animals are going to have the adaptation.

For example the color of the coat by mice. If one mouse has a diffrent color than the other mice but his color matches their environment more than the coat of the other mice he is less likely to be seen by predators and therefore survive longer and get more offspring.

There is a theory that is called "natural selection" of "survival of the fittest" you should look it up for a better/longer explanation

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When something adapts it builds a skill so that it can survive. The ones with the adaptation live while the ones without die. After so long the animal has evolved into a more superior animal.

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Q: How does adaptation evolve?
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What organism othr thaan a n insect might evolve an adaptation to human activities?

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If an adaptation were non-inheritable it could not cause the population to evolve because it would not be part of the populations gene pool.

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How did anime evolve?

By the process of natural selection and adaptation to a continuously changing environment.

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.Caterpillars would evolve to eat the bark, as well as the leaves .

What does it mean to adapt as an animal?

It means to evolve, or change their ways, to survive in the habitat they are placed.

What is convergent adaptation?

Adaptive convergence is a form of evolution in which two unrelated (or distantly related) species evolve very similar forms due to similar selective pressures.

What is Internal adaptation definition?

Internal adaptation refers to an organism's ability to adjust its internal systems in response to changes in its environment, ensuring survival and maintaining stability. This process involves physiological, behavioral, and genetic mechanisms that help the organism cope with various stressors and challenges. Internal adaptation plays a crucial role in enabling organisms to thrive and evolve in their ecosystems.

What is adaptation and evolution?

"adapted" means modified or changed or adjusted to make more suitable. Example. The man adapted a lawnmower engine to use to power his go-cart.

What is an example of sensory adaptation?

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What is the ability of an organism to change internally and externally in relation to its environment?

The process where organisms evolve through time is called evolution. This natural phenomenon occurs as a result of changes in the environment.