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Q: How does akhenaton describe his relationship to aton?
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Who is akhennaton?

Akhenaton was the pharaoh,also known as Aton.

What pharaoh changed his name meaning Spirit of Aton?

Amenhotep IV. Then changed his name to Akhenaton.

What god did Akhenaton require all Egyptians to worship solely?

Aton, the god symbolized by a sun disk.

Did the Egyptian God Re change his name to Akhenaton?

Amenhotep IV was the pharoah or king of Egypt who enforced worship of just one god, Aton Ra, previously a minor god - the god of the sun disc. Amenhotep then changed his own name to Akhenaton (servant of Aton").

Who did Amenhotep the fourth worship?

Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaton and changed the official religion of Egypt to a monotheistic cult centered around the Aton, represented by the sun disk.

How did replacing amon-re with aton affect the authority of the pharaohs?

By replacing Amon-Re with Aton, a minor god, the pharaohs lost their authority and prestigious power in the government. As an example, Akhenaton who renamed his name to a word meaning "he who serves Aton" Akhenaton's radical ideas had little success. Priests of Amon-Re and of other gods resisted such revolutionary changes. The people too were afraid to abandon their old gods in favor of Aton. Nobles also deserted the Pharaoh because he neglected his duty of defending the empire.

Pharaoh who created controversy in his empire by urging Egyptians to worship the god Aton?

If I recall, I think it was Akhenaton

Did Akenaten follow ra the sun god?

no. Akhenaton believed in the one true God. He believed all the Egyptian gods were merely different facets or aspects of this one God, whom he called Aton. his name was originally Amenhotep IV, named after his ancestors. because his name included the name of the god Amen, he changed it to Akhenaton, literally, "beloved of Aton."

What was Akhenaten's monotheism?

Akhenaton also called Akhenaten, Amenhotep IV, Amenophis was king of Egypt (1353-36 BC) who established a new monotheistic cult of Aton (hence his assumed name, Akhenaton, meaning "One Useful to Aton"). He was the first historical figure to establish a religion based on the concept of monotheism.Akhenaten suffered from Marfan's Syndrome, what probably influenced form of his theologic theory.

Who is the pharaoh that believed in one god?

Akhenaton or Akhenaten. He believed in Aton or Aten (the two names can be spelled two different ways each)

What did Nefertiti do?

Her husband Akhenaton changed the religion of Egypt from worshiping a pantheon of gods to worshipping Aton, an impersonal god represented by the sun disk. Under Akhenaton Egypt became monotheistic.

How did Akhenaton try to change Egyptian. Religion?

he tried to change the egyptian religion by building large open-air temples to the Aton he moved the capital of Egypt and he changed gods names